Wildlife Guardian Wizard Certified Cruelty Free

About Us

Wildlife Guardian Wizard certifies cruelty free companies globally. Our founders have worked in all stages of the product life cycle, from formula development to rebranding to distribution and sales. We understand cruelty free first hand.

About Everyone

We also maintain the largest cruelty free database available with over 7,000 companies certified to be free of animal testing. No more bunnies, chimps, cats, dogs, mice, fish, and more. See if a company you’re buying from is certified cruelty free.


You can search for a company by name, or just enter a category like “cosmetics.” You can also browse the entire catalog alphabetically.
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What’s here?

In addition to certified WGW Partners, you’ll find companies certified by Leaping Bunny (North America), Cruelty Free International’s global Leaping Bunny program, and PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies, all in one place. Each listing shows how far we could confirm the company’s commitment with Verified, Verified Plus, and WGW Partner status.

WGW Partners

If a company’s certified by us, we’ve verified they’re animal testing free in house and up the supply chain. They’ve volunteered suppliers, third party manufacturers, outside labs, and more for independent verification to show they’re committed to being cruelty free from product development to shelf. All those parties involved must sign statements that nothing sold to the company or produced for the company involves animal testing. Our partner companies also agree not to permit product testing on animals in foreign countries, for example in China where it may be required for certain products to be sold, even if it means not being able to sell in that country. Finally, they commit to annual reverification so you know their dedication is ongoing without lapse. As a bonus, WGW Partners offer you great special deals for caring and finding them here on the site. You win on all fronts! Always look for our bunny ears W.

Leaping Bunny

While Leaping Bunny in North America and Cruelty Free International’s global Leaping Bunny are technically separate entities, their certification process and terms are largely the same. That process is substantively the same as ours, including an annual recommitment requirement.


PETA requires companies sign a statement of assurance that they and their suppliers will not test on animals or submit to product testing on animals in foreign countries. Depending on when the statement was signed, as things have changed over the years, they may have also required the suppliers to sign a statement of assurance or compliance. Verified or Verified Plus status in our database may depend on what we could confirm beyond just that the company was PETA certified.

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